Cosmic History 6
5. THE JEWEL OF KNOWLEDGE . This contains a number of originations, including on the matter of more than three dimensions.
[Coming to you via the CosmicHistory Internet list server]---
Coming again today which is Friday 25th April 2014
Previously to SuperScio-l 26th July 2008 --
Enjoy, and contemplate (and comment if you like to the list), dear Amateur Historian.
** from SuperScio-L **
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First sent:
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 08:29:41 +0100
From: Antony Phillips
Subject: IVySubs: Cosmic History 6
Dear ivy-subscriber,
Earlier ( Nr. 1 in this series) I relayed part of the Pilots section on the Jewel of Knowledge which comes just after his talking about the womb (No. 1 in this ivy-subscribers series)..
Here is the whole section.
This is the only creation we have ever received from "outside" and it is the only contact we have ever had with the older beings.
There have been many false beginnings of the time track that we have implanted in each other during our trap building frenzy. There have also been many true beginnings of track in the various universes in which we have been engaged. But the jewel of knowledge is the actual first experience for all of us. Each being's attention was directed to it as they separated from the ultimate static and it was so fascinating that all were drawn in and by the time anyone might have felt like looking outward for something else from outside, we had already sunk too low to penetrate the walls of the trap that we had been encouraged to build for ourselves.
The experience of the jewel of knowledge does not have a big sign on it saying that it is the first experience or that it is the beginning of track or the start of time. In fact, it is just the opposite. Incidents that yell loudly about being the beginning do so as a means of trickery and are never actually the first incident. Furthermore, you can't find the jewel of knowledge experience by trying to find the first incident, there are just too many falsely labeled first ones. But once you do spot it, all of the "first" incidents always seem to be later.
Another misleading factor, is that the jewel of knowledge is extremely complex. It is quite possibly the most complex thing we have ever had contact with. And our creations become simpler as we look earlier on the time track. So our expectation would be for the first incident to be very simple. And its not, because it came from outside.
The jewel of knowledge is an object in 17 or more dimensions. It has a diamond like structure, but this extends in a huge number of directions and contains endless faces or facets. It is extraordinarily beautiful and interesting. We have a tremendous problem visualizing it because one of our little traps that we used on each other intentionally blocked our ability to visualize or perceive more that 3 dimensions.
But even before we became blocked on many dimensional structures, the jewel was really too complex for a new innocent being to grasp as a whole. It was intentionally created that way so that we wouldn't simply digest it quickly and then look around for more interesting creations made by the other beings.
The jewel was divided into chambers and we went through each chamber sequentially. Each chamber explained something that was interesting and useful to a new being, and most of the data was correct. Only very slyly and subtly did they work in misleading information that predisposed us towards conflict and entrapment. For there was no way to force us to swallow the jewel, we could only be coaxed into accepting it all by a great show of true knowledge and beauty.
There is no language in the experience of the jewel. We did not have any at that time and they certainly would not teach us one for that would have prejudiced our thinking far too much. Instead, it is all demonstrations using very simple objects. These were simple squares, triangles, circles etc. with many dimensions. We refer to a three dimensional square as a cube and a four dimensional square is called a tesseract by the mathematicians but we lack good words for seven or eight dimensional versions of this shape,. However, an eight dimensional square is still a simple abstract object that would not impart very much of a bias into our own creations.
The jewel's chambers also never show anything that looks like bodies or people. They use nebulous clouds or points of light to represent other beings in the chambers that deal with the interactions of beings.
The demonstrations are generally very simple. For example, one of the early chambers demonstrates how to perceive an object. Looking at things with only one eye open is adequate for a flat two dimensional view but true depth perceptions in three dimensions is best done with two eyes. In a similar manner, looking at a 7 dimensional cube is best done by looking at it from 6 points simultaneously. They don't tell you this, instead they show you. It begins with the vague impression of an object in front of you. Then you feel yourself drawn into putting out more and more points from which to view the object. When you finally get six unique viewpoints (and they mustn't be in the same plane), the object suddenly becomes very real and there is a satisfying feeling. Then they have you put out even more viewpoints and the object becomes thin and unsatisfying again. So you learn to synchronize the number of viewpoints that you use with the dimensions of the object that you are viewing.
Many of the chambers are interesting and helpful in this manner. But a few of them are misleading and treacherous. For example, one of the chambers shows many "beings" participating in creating a collection of objects that are moving around in harmony. The sensation is very pleasant. Then one of the beings begins working contrary to the efforts of the others and the sensation is unpleasant, the harmony is destroyed. So the other beings gang up on the disagreeable one and force him back into agreement and the sensation becomes pleasant again. It is actually a false idea that predisposes you to beating up on anybody who is different and implanting people to force them into agreement.
When we finished going through all of the chambers, we were left with the idea that it is necessary to control and trap others. We were also given the idea that we now had to build something of our own in exchange for the jewel before we had a right to look at any more of the older beings creations. But of course before we finished that, we had dug ourselves in so deeply and trapped ourselves so well that we had lost any hope of reaching outside and were launched on our decent into more and more complex traps of our own making.
We left the jewel of knowledge with an enthusiastic desire to create a complex and interesting universe. There were no rules but that it had ...
******************************** (end of Pilot extract)
(Ant wrote:)
I think it must be very difficult to conceive in words, and write, how things were then. Words and other symbols were conceived and developed later. For example, the idea that we were and are in a "womb". That seems to me difficult to conceive. So I suppose we should take what is written here with a large pinch of salt, bearing that in mind. For example The Pilot says "this the only contact we have ever had with the older beings". That is one amongst many rather adventurous statements. Has any one any independent references they can point us to, or quote?
Have a good weekend and all best wishes, Ant
Antony Phillips. (in Danish)
Part 1 (English interview)
Part 2 (English interview) (English biography)
(+45) 45 88 88 69
Admin to SelfClearing2004,
SuperScio, Cosmic History
mailing lists
Jernbanevej 3f 4th
DK 2800 Lyngby
CosmicHistory mailing list
Fri, 25 Apr 2014 13:17:52 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 22:17:52 +0200
Subject: Re: [CosmicHistory] Cosmic History 6
From: Luca Terzi
To: Ant Phillips
dear Ant
all the things the Pilot writes, do not fit my understanding of the actual scene.
All the levels between the separation from the main body of theta and "whatever Story" people can chat about and express in words seem fully not-ised to me.
There is a gap that scientology is not aware of (IMNHV).
The main body of theta is way much too above this level of language and therefore of experience and therefore of understanding.
That said I remember an incident in which I "went clear" in this life (funny to use this misleading and improper language which does not label a truth, but...) and I had to do with other beings, maybe "the older beings"... What I have run was/is the latest bit of the incident and all the other incidents were later (both with bodies or without body, in outer space, in other universes and whatever). After that incident I created my first universe -in the agreed upon meaning-. ? The bit between the main body of theta and the trap in the universe isn't obviously as-ised up to now, but pushes me towards this kind of perception of space time.
I can touch "earlier" layers of existence which are not well labelable... and even if I say earlier they can well be out of the present agreed upon time stream.
Obviously other dimensions aren't at all easy to even conceive, even more experience: both in space and in time.
The blind spot in my incident could (COULD) be the jewel, but who knows until it will as-is?
2014-04-25 20:42 GMT+02:00 Ant Phillips <>:
- We left the jewel of knowledge with an enthusiastic desire to create a complex and interesting universe. There were no rules but that it had ...
- ******************************** (end of Pilot extract)
- (Ant wrote:)
- I think it must be very difficult to conceive in words, and write, how things were then. Words and other symbols were conceived and developed later. For example, the idea that we were and are in a "womb". That seems to me difficult to conceive. So I suppose we should take what is written here with a large pinch of salt, bearing that in mind. For example The Pilot says "this the only contact we have ever had with the older beings". That is one amongst many rather adventurous statements. Has any one any independent references they can point us to, or quote?
- Have a good weekend and all best wishes, Ant
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Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 09:36:10 -0700
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On Apr 25, 2014, at 11:42 AM, Ant Phillips wrote:
This is the only creation we have ever received from "outside" and it is the only contact we have ever had with the older beings.
There is no language in the experience of the jewel. We did not have any at that time and they certainly would not teach us one for that would have prejudiced our thinking far too much. Instead, it is all demonstrations using very simple objects. These were simple squares, triangles, circles etc. with many dimensions. We refer to a three dimensional square as a cube and a four dimensional square is called a tesseract by the mathematicians but we lack good words for seven or eight dimensional versions of this shape,. However, an eight dimensional square is still a simple abstract object that would not impart very much of a bias into our own creations.
Interesting how this corresponds to Part D and E of the original Clearing Course...
(Warning: These materials are only to be read and used by students ready for the Level. To qualify you have to have attested to Grade 6, R6-EW or above and have done a full Solo Auditors Course. Also one has to have done the full theory of the Clearing Course.)
Anyone reading this who did the CC rather than going clear other ways who might like to comment?

CosmicHistory mailing list
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 05:46:00 +0200
From: Ant Phillips
Subject: [CosmicHistory] re Cosmic History 6
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Sending 27th April 2014, Sent first time 21-nov 2010
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Dear Cosmic Historian, or spectator to this list,
When I started resending these excerpts for this the 9th time, I made an agreement with myself that I would send an instalment each Saturday, and on Sunday send a comment. Yesterday, when I read Cosmic History 6 I had the impulse to (so to speak) leave the room quietly while no one was looking.
However, I have rescued my confront.
I have no problem with the idea of "17 or more dimensions". The reason I (and very probably you) have difficulty in conceiving more than three physical dimensions is covered, to my satisfaction, later on in the series.
But the rest of it, stated in such certain terms, is a bit of a mind stretcher for me.
Not so when I first read Cosmic History. I suppose then I swallowed it hook line and sinker. There seemed so much reasonable, and explaining mysteries I had from some of Hubbard's material, that I accepted it all. ( a silly mistake, I think).
So now, I find this interesting, perhaps more reasonable than some other myths as to the beginning of life, but still somewhat mythical. Words trying to hint towards a truth which is above words.
I think also that it is not necessary to understand this area in detail to get a grip on more recent events.
I won't say more at the moment.
Perhaps others will (or have, over night, I have yet to down load) tell their view. This is a list where you can contribute on the subject of Cosmic History (our history).
All best wishes,
CosmicHistory mailing list
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 13:34:01 -0700
Subject: Re: [CosmicHistory] re Cosmic History 6
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On Apr 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Ant Phillips wrote:
[Coming to you via the CosmicHistory Internet list server]
Sending 27th April 2014, Sent first time 21-nov 2010
[Coming to you via the CosmicHistory Internet list server]
Dear Cosmic Historian, or spectator to this list,
When I started resending these excerpts for this the 9th time, I made an agreement with myself that I would send an instalment each Saturday, and on Sunday send a comment. Yesterday, when I read Cosmic History 6 I had the impulse to (so to speak) leave the room quietly while no one was looking.
However, I have rescued my confront.
I have no problem with the idea of "17 or more dimensions". The reason I (and very probably you) have difficulty in conceiving more than three physical dimensions is covered, to my satisfaction, later on in the series.
Remember too that we DO conceive of more than three dimensions. Time is a dimension....
But the rest of it, stated in such certain terms, is a bit of a mind stretcher for me.
Mind stretcher for sure!
But it is good experience to find the boundaries and push at them. What is there? For me, when I try to conceive of other dimensions there is a feeling or sensation that is similar the the sensation I run into when I try to intentionally exteriorize. A sort of push back, or feeling of trying to violate my own reality. I have exteriorize fully and consciously before, but only spontaneously, not intentionally.
It is like I know there is something beyond the limit or feeling, but there is a barrier there that is perceptible.
I think these other dimensions will not be perceptible while still holding a body as some of them are probably not location, spatially or time based, and we have most of our attention focused there to maintain the body/mest reality.
Not so when I first read Cosmic History. I suppose then I swallowed it hook line and sinker. There seemed so much reasonable, and explaining mysteries I had from some of Hubbard's material, that I accepted it all ( a silly mistake, I think).
Not a silly mistake, it is our nature to grasp at solutions even if not fully proven. It does move one forward on ones path, to take on a reality and see if it fits!
So now, I find this interesting, perhaps more reasonable than some other myths as to the beginning of life, but still somewhat mythical. Words trying to hint towards a truth which is above words.
Yes. Words are a poor means of conveying the truth of something.
I think also that it is not necessary to understand this area in detail to get a grip on more recent events.
I won't say more at the moment.
Perhaps others will (or have , over night, I have yet to down load) tell their view. This is a list where you can contribute on the subject of Cosmic History (our history).
All best wishes,

CosmicHistory mailing list
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 12:27:01 +0200
From: Luca Terzi
Subject: Re: [CosmicHistory] re Cosmic History 6
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Hi Ant
see lower down please
2014-04-27 22:34 GMT+02:00 <>:
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- ---
- ******************************
- On Apr 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Ant Phillips wrote:
- [Coming to you via the CosmicHistory Internet list server]
- ---
- Dear Cosmic Historian, or spectator to this list,
- [Coming to you via the CosmicHistory Internet list server]
- However, I have rescued my confront.
- I have no problem with the idea of "17 or more dimensions". The reason I (and very probably you) have difficulty in conceiving more than three physical dimensions is covered, to my satisfaction, later on in the series.
Not so in my view, Ant.
Time allows us to perceive and to remember change. It is not a space dimension in itself, even if it is connected strictly to our creation of all the multiverses containing space.
Conceptual conceiving in my view is a pointer to a possible perception (like a finger pointing to the moon).?
Therefore conceiving the idea of more SPACE dimension (as in mathematics) lets open the possibility of becoming able to PERCEIVE them.
Thinking does not however increase our perceptions. Utter mental silence does.
But the rest of it, stated in such certain terms, is a bit of a mind stretcher for me.
Indeed Ant. I agree.
- Mind stretcher for sure!
- But it is good experience to find the boundaries and push at them. What is there? For me, when I try to conceive of other dimensions there is a feeling or sensation that is similar the the sensation I run into when I try to intentionally exteriorize. A sort of push back, or feeling of trying to violate my own reality. I have exteriorize fully and consciously before, but only spontaneously, not intentionally.
Perception is often connected to "agreed upon perceptions". Sharing perceptions makes easier the becoming aware of said perceptions.
LRH said it over the time: helping a pc to become aware of exteriorization demands an auditor well aware of exteriorization, and making in session a theta clear or a cleared theta clear is akin to impossible without an auditor being already theta clear or cleared theta clear.
- It is like I know there is something beyond the limit or feeling, but there is a barrier there that is perceptible.
- I think these other dimensions will not be perceptible while still holding a body as some of them are probably not location, spatially or time based, and we have most of our attention focused there to maintain the body/mest reality.
A bridge which lessens the ability to use a body to perceive, is not completely functional to its own purpose in my view.
Fixed agreed upon perceptions is well different from the body. Identifying fixed perceptions and body is a misconcept. In my view.
The fixed way in which we perceive our body and other's bodies is not the only way we may perceive our body or somebody's else body.
Disentangling our perceptions from the usual agreed upon perceptions, bodies may appear completely differents.
- All best wishes,
- Ant�
[[Editorial note: I think Luca ascribed something to me, which someone else wrote, Ant]]
CosmicHistory mailing list
Subject: Re: [CosmicHistory] re Cosmic History 6
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On Apr 28, 2014, at 3:27 AM, Luca Terzi wrote:
[Coming to you via the CosmicHistory Internet list server]
Hi Ant
see lower down please
2014-04-27 22:34 GMT+02:00 <>:
- [Coming to you via the CosmicHistory Internet list server]
- ---
- ******************************
- On Apr 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Ant Phillips wrote:
- [Coming to you via the CosmicHistory Internet list server]
- ---
- Dear Cosmic Historian, or spectator to this list,
- However, I have rescued my confront.
- I have no problem with the idea of "17 or more dimensions". The reason I (and very probably you) have difficulty in conceiving more than three physical dimensions is covered, to my satisfaction, later on in the series.
Remember too that we DO conceive of more than three dimensions. Time is a dimension....
Not so in my view, Ant.
Time allows us to perceive and to remember change. It is not a space dimension in itself, even if it is connected strictly to our creation of all the multiverses containing space.
Conceptual conceiving in my view is a pointer to a possible perception (like a finger pointing to the moon).
Therefore conceiving the idea of more SPACE dimension (as in mathematics) lets open the possibility of becoming able to PERCEIVE them.
Thinking does not however increase our perceptions. Utter mental silence does.
I agree totally that utter mental silence is a prerequisite for perceiving the things more subtle than body and material things.
I wonder though if the dimensions Pilot was talking about were all spacial? "Space" is a concept that we can perceive and experience, and tied to a 3 dimetional foundation, and the idea of more than 3 dimensional space is also conceiveable by me at least, but my suspicion and intuition tells me that there might well be some dimensions that are very far removed from the whole idea of spatial reference.
If you contemplate time for instance it does not explain itself in terms of space, yet it also adds definition to space. A dimension is something that adds more information to a situation. I think holding a firm grasp of 3 dimensional reality is an impediment, at least initially to perception of different dimension.
- snip
- I think these other dimensions will not be perceptible while still holding a body as some of them are probably not location, spatially or time based, and we have most of our attention focused there to maintain the body/mest reality.
- I think these other dimensions will not be perceptible while still holding a body as some of them are probably not location, spatially or time based, and we have most of our attention focused there to maintain the body/mest reality.
A bridge which lessens the ability to use a body to perceive, is not completely functional to its own purpose in my view.
Fixed agreed upon perceptions is well different from the body. Identifying fixed perceptions and body is a misconcept. In my view.
The fixed way in which we perceive our body and other's bodies is not the only way we may perceive our body or somebody's else body.
Disentangling our perceptions from the usual agreed upon perceptions, bodies may appear completely differents.
LucaMy feeling about bodies is that they do indeed amplify perceptions, but only perceptions in a certain set of contexts, and exclude other perceptions. I personally have a strong attachment to my body and energy mockups, and it is only when I lessen my focus on those, that I start to be aware of other things.
I think bodies are a solution to a particular set of situations, and are perfectly fine for the context they are in, but you can't experience the interior of a star in one!
There are plenty of anecdotal stories of humans who could "mock-up" bodies in remote locations when needed or after death, and then let them go. Read Autobiography of a Yogi.
And we seem to have "astral" bodies, energy constructs that surround our bodies and possibly survive body death too.
Bodies are a mechanism for perceiving and participating in a certain context, but that is a very limited context!
- All best wishes,
- Ant
CosmicHistory mailing list
From: Roland Aldridge
To: ""
Subject: Re: [CosmicHistory] re Cosmic History 6
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Actually I think that we routinely work in lots of dimensions.
Dimensions are simply mother natures way of making sure everything doesn't pile on to itself. A dimension is a separation, either in space or in time. When we think of multiple dimensions we tend to want to add them on to the three we know (very hard to visualize!), but in fact it is a lot easier to think of them as entirely separate sets of dimensions. In our minds we can easily imagine a completely different set of dimensions - any imagined or mocked up object is not located in the world set of dimensions, but is located in our own set of dimensions. The two sets have nothing to do with each other, except that since we consider that we ourselves are located in the world set, our imaginary set are similarly located but only *connected* through our own minds.
Similarly we can have our own time dimensions that are separate and have nothing to do with the world time dimension.
Also, and this I think is critical in order to understand how thetans work, it is perfectly possible for a dimension to be rolled up rather than extended. In a rolled up dimension you would, as it were, see the back of your own head. Of course, as a spiritual entity you don't have a head or eyes or anything else, but you do have the ability to perceive outside of yourself by extending your awareness outwards. If you extend your awareness in your rolled up set of dimensions, you merely become aware of yourself, and this is the definition of a thetan.
Roland Aldridge
On Sunday, April 27, 2014 1:34 PM, ""
On Apr 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Ant Phillips wrote:
[Coming to you via the CosmicHistory Internet list server]
Sending 27th April 2014, Sent first time 21-nov 2010
[Coming to you via the CosmicHistory Internet list server]
Dear Cosmic Historian, or spectator to this list,
When I started resending these excerpts for this the 9th time, I made an agreement with myself that I would send an instalment each Saturday, and on Sunday send a comment. Yesterday, when I read Cosmic History 6 I had the impulse to (so to speak) leave the room quietly while no one was looking.
However, I have rescued my confront.
I have no problem with the idea of "17 or more dimensions". The reason I (and very probably you) have difficulty in conceiving more than three physical dimensions is covered, to my satisfaction, later on in the series.
Remember too that we DO conceive of more than three dimensions. Time is a dimension....
But the rest of it, stated in such certain terms, is a bit of a mind stretcher for me.
Mind stretcher for sure!
But it is good experience to find the boundaries and push at them. What is there? For me, when I try to conceive of other dimensions there is a feeling or sensation that is similar the the sensation I run into when I try to intentionally exteriorize. A sort of push back, or feeling of trying to violate my own reality. I have exteriorize fully and consciously before, but only spontaneously, not intentionally.
It is like I know there is something beyond the limit or feeling, but there is a barrier there that is perceptible.
I think these other dimensions will not be perceptible while still holding a body as some of them are probably not location, spatially or time based, and we have most of our attention focused there to maintain the body/mest reality.
Not so when I first read Cosmic History. I suppose then I swallowed it hook line and sinker. There seemed so much reasonable, and explaining mysteries I had from some of Hubbard's material, that I accepted it all. ( a silly mistake, I think).
Not a silly mistake, it is our nature to grasp at solutions even if not fully proven. It does move one forward on ones path, to take on a reality and see if it fits!
So now, I find this interesting, perhaps more reasonable than some other myths as to the beginning of life, but still somewhat mythical. Words trying to hint towards a truth which is above words.
Yes. Words are a poor means of conveying the truth of something.
I think also that it is not necessary to understand this area in detail to get a grip on more recent events.
I won't say more at the moment.
Perhaps others will (or have , over night, I have yet to down load) tell their view. This is a list where you can contribute on the subject of Cosmic History (our history).
All best wishes,

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CosmicHistory mailing list
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 21:48:03 +0200
From: Ant Phillips
Subject: [CosmicHistory] The Pilot's idea of dimensions
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If I was writing a promotional piece (admittedly a few years ago) I might write a sentence like:
"With the advent of the Ford V Eight motoring enters a new dimension"
That is not the way the Pilot uses the word.
Here is a quotation from his Cosmic History:
But fewer dimensions are simpler and the beings who were trying
- to devise a one dimensional system began to show results early while
- those who were working on a larger scale were still in the rudimentary
- stages of invention.
- Those one dimensional systems of creation are still with us. One of
- them is music. The one dimensional "object" (e.g. a sound or
- musical note) can only go up and down. It moves forward in time, but
- time is not a dimension in the sense that were are
- discussing here (we are concerned with dimensions of space).
- The "object" can have a width and shape
- in the form of a chord (as opposed to a single note) and there are all
- sorts of interesting aesthetics in the inter-relationship of many notes
- moving up an down in a complex work, but it is still motion in only one
- dimension. The notes can also have a quality as in the sound of a piano
- Vs that of a violin but this also does not change the number of
- dimensions just as adding color to a three dimensional world doesn't add
- an extra dimension.
- The fruits of the two dimensional effort encompassed the basic
- versions of many of our board games such as chess.
I got the above by searching the Pilot's Cosmic History for dimension (worth doing - you will find it at ) [27oct2014 - I am hoping to move it here to but at the moment the editor refuses to accept it, possibly due to size]
I am shaken out of my sloth to send this, because the Pilot talks quite a bit about dimension and if we discuss the Pilot's Cosmic History, but use different definitions of dimension, it ain't agoing to be a pleasant sight (and probably won't increase understanding - one of he things I hope will happen as a result of this list).
All best wishes,
Antony Phillips. (in Danish)
Part 1 (English interview)
Part 2 (English interview) (English biography)
(+45) 45 88 88 69
Admin to SelfClearing2004,
SuperScio, Cosmic History
mailing lists
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DK 2800 Lyngby
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